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Hello sweeties. Hi Im Alyn, have enjoy when read my blog. hehehe much love MNA♡♡

My Friends
❤ The more boys I meet, the more i realize that it's only him i want to be with ⓂⓃⒶ ❤

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✿ subhanallah ku merinduimu ✿

Ehemm , hello guyss !I want to share the story of my experience on this site. Hope you enjoy >>
Assalamualaikum sebagai pembuka kata :)
hurrmmmm . I want you all see my title for today's entry :'( I miss him . Why you appear in my life ???! WHY . I've tried to forget you but you're still in my mind ! argghh -,-
sejak akhir-2 nih saya slalu ingat kat awak . pasai apa hah? Ya Allah . hanya engkau sahaja yang faham perasaan ku ini . kuatkan lha semangat kuu ya allah ! I'm so tired when I remember you . Hope you understand :'/ aku rindu segala-galanya . kay saya tahu yang lepas tuh lepas but I swear I cannot to forget you until now ! And why>.< sob-sob . kay lha baiii :-*